The Street Fighter 6 and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collaboration has sparked some controversy about the price of its DLC costumes.
Each of the DLC costumes costs about $15 separately, or 750 Fighter Coins. In order to get all four costumes for Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, and Donatello for $60, players will need 3,000 Fighter Coins in total. Players can also grind for Fighter Coins, but it’ll take a much longer time to accumulate that many, as opposed to straight out buying the costumes.
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It’s also worth noting that these are just costumes: not DLC characters or anything like that. Players have pointed out that other games have had TMNT collaborations before at cheaper prices and even more substantial content. For example, Injustice 2 added playable Turtles to its roster, and spending only $10 would give all four. Additionally, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5 gave players all four playable turtles for free.
Despite this controversy, Street Fighter fans are still excited as the first DLC character, Rashid, was added last month. The second one, A.K.I., will come later this year.
In GameSpot’s Street Fighter 6 review, Jason Fanelli said, “I can’t get enough of Street Fighter 6. It’s been my last thought when I go to bed and my first thought when I wake up. It has a beautifully constructed fighting system, but also offers modes that take the game very seriously and, in other cases, not seriously at all.”
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