A new month means a new slate of titles for Xbox Game Pass. Microsoft has revealed five games on the way for the subscription service on PC, cloud, and console in August, highlighted by A Short Hike and Broforce Forever.
A Short Hike kicks things off August 3 with a relaxing adventure that sees you trekking up a mountain. In GameSpot’s glowing A Short Hike review, we wrote: “It’s about seeking quiet communion with nature even as you make your umpteenth hike towards the peak, or finding contentment in stumbling upon tinier, quaint scenes.”
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Now Playing: Broforce Forever | Teaser Trailer | Coming Early 2023
For something louder and bloodier–as polar opposite as you can get, basically–Microsoft will also add Broforce Forever on August 8 to the service. This is actually a massive update for the Contra-like game that parodies pop culture with a handful of new characters, including Broffy the Vampire Slayer and Xebro: Warrior Princess.
Not to be overlooked, the critically acclaimed Limbo and Everspace 2 are also heading to Xbox Game Pass on August 9 and 15, respectively. They’ll be joined by the city-building title Airborne Kingdom on August 10. Don’t forget that Celeste also becomes available on the service today, as it was announced with the second wave of Xbox Game Pass for July titles. It also just happens to be one of the best games in years. Last month also saw the surprising return of GTA 5 to Xbox Game Pass.
In addition, Xbox Game Pass will lose four more titles in August, like Death Stranding on PC.
Xbox Game Pass New Additions
Celeste (Cloud, Console, and PC) – August 1A Short Hike (Cloud, Console, and PC) – August 3Broforce Forever (Cloud, Console, and PC) – August 8Limbo (Cloud, Console, and PC) – August 9Airborne Kingdom (Cloud, Console, and PC) – August 10Everspace 2 (Cloud and Xbox Series X|S) – August 15The Biggest Game Releases Of August 2023See More