Alan Wake 2 And The 13-Year Journey To Make It

In a new episode of GameSpot’s Audio Logs series, Remedy Entertainment’s creative director Sam Lake discusses the 13-year journey towards making Alan Wake 2 and how the game shifted genre gears to embrace psychological horror. Lake also talks the various ideas and genres that Remedy considered for the game, the new protagonist Saga Anderson, and her relationship with her partner, Alex Casey, who bears a striking resemblance to him.

Originally, Alan Wake 2 had been pitched to include TV-style live-action cutscenes, an idea that Remedy would later adopt for Quantum Break. The studio then went all-in on survival horror for the sequel, as Wake’s missions will test your fright-or-fight reflexes when you explore the otherworldly dimension known as the Dark Place in his campaign. In contrast to that, Anderson’s campaign is deliberately lighter in tone, although it still has its fair share of supenatural scares to shock you with.

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Now Playing: Alan Wake 2 And The 13 Year Journey To Make It

Alan Wake 2 will launch as a digital-only game for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S on October 17. For more details, you can check out GameSpot’s recent deep dive into Alan Wake 2, five things we learned about the game behind closed doors, and how Marvel was a big inspiration.

Audio Logs airs every Thursday on GameSpot, and if you missed last week’s episode, you can watch it right now to go behind the scenes on the creation of Cyberpunk 2077’s controversial Sinnerman missions.

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About Darryn Bonthuys

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