Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption could be getting a re-release, if a new age rating online is any indication.
As spotted by Gematsu, the Game Rating and Administration of Korea published a new rating for Red Dead Redemption on June 15. The rating is classified with the number CC-NV-230615-001, in which the “NV” bit refers to console games. This might mean that Rockstar has plans for Red Dead Redemption, such as creating remasters for current consoles.
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Red Dead Redemption was first released in 2010 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It was never ported to PC or any other consoles, including PS4, PS5, Xbox One, or Xbox Series X|S. Even though the Korean rating only notes console games, that doesn’t mean a PC version is out of the question either.
Fortunately, Red Dead Redemption can be played on modern consoles via backward compatibility on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. It was previously playable on PlayStation Plus through streaming, but it was suddenly removed back in October 2022.
In GameSpot’s Red Dead Redemption review, we said, “Think about great moments that you remember from spaghetti Western movies, put them all into one 20- to 40-hour epic feature, and picture yourself in the starring role. Now you have some idea of what’s waiting for you in Red Dead Redemption.”
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