Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3 Wildguard Relik Boss Battle Guide

Chapter 4 Season 3 of Fortnite launched without a new boss NPC for players to battle, but Tuesday’s patch, the first of the season, has added one to the new jungle area of the island. Between this new guy and the vault NPCs we’ve had around the island for a while now, that’s a lot of beefy PvE enemies on the map this season.

This new boss is called Wildguard Relik–which seems like a pun, considering the vault NPC is named Wildcard, though for what reason I have no clue–and he carries not one, but two Mythics. That makes him well worth a visit, but fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, he’s pretty centrally located.

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Where to find Fortnite’s Wildguard Relik boss

With a name like Relik, one of the new named POIs this season makes for a natural fit for him: Rumble Ruins. And, indeed, that’s exactly where he lives. Like the Ageless Champion at the Citadel two seasons ago, there’s no specific spot in the ruins where you can always expect to find him. Instead, he patrols the whole area in and around the large main temple–he doesn’t seem to stray far from the temple when he’s outside.

So you may have to look around a bit to find him. But if you have visual audio indicators on, you will get step pings when you get near him. And he talks a little bit in that gibberish Fortnite language, which is another easy tell that he’s close because he’s the only character you’ll find doing that anywhere around there.

How to Defeat Fortnite’s Wildguard Relik

Wildguard Relik has four moves. He attacks you with his mythic MK-Alpha assault rifle, he throws jars of wasps, he teleports short distances, and he cloaks himself. Fortunately, though, Relik isn’t difficult to beat, because Epic has the accuracy of NPCs tuned fairly low at the moment–they don’t laser you like they did during the Star Wars event in May, when they were tuned to much higher accuracy. The wasps are more of an annoyance than a meaningful threat, and since he doesn’t maneuver like a human he’s pretty easy to spot even when cloaked.

But he also has a ton of health and shields–he’s much more of a bullet sponge than the Wildcard vault NPCs are. So the risk of attacking Wildguard Relik is more about potentially drawing the attention of others with a lengthy gunfight. And when you consider that the Rumble Ruins is right in the middle of the map and one of the main new locations this season, it’s fairly likely that other people will be nearby most of the time unless you already cleared the are. If you’re playing in a group, you should be sure to shoot him together to make it go quickly.

What loot does Fortnite’s Wildguard Relik drop?

When you kill Wildguard Relik, you get two Mythic drops: a Mythic MK-Alpha Assault Rifle, and a Mythic version of the new cloaking device–lower-quality versions drop from all other loot sources. The Mythic cloaker maintains the cloak for longer than the other rarities, and it has a shorter cooldown between uses.

You cannot fight while cloaked, though. In order to maintain the cloak, you have to keep it selected in your inventory–if you switch to a gun, you lose the cloaking effect immediately and it starts the still-pretty-lengthy cooldown, so be careful.

As is usually the case with Mythic versions of guns, the Mythic MK-Alpha is just the best possible version of that assault rifle. And it was already pretty good–the rebranded version of the MK-Seven is a welcome return to the loot pool. Unlike the other Mythic weapons this season, there’s only one of these per match.

So be extra careful when you venture close to the Rumble Ruins this season. There’s about to be a lot more interest in the place–and it was already a pretty hot spot.

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About Phil Owen

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