Fortnite Cloak Gauntlets – Where To Find Them And How They Work

You can count on each season of Fortnite to bring some new utility items to play around with, and Chapter 4 Season 3 is no different. In addition to the exciting new Kinetic Boomerang, you can now get your hands on the Cloak Gauntlets, which will be an extra useful item for anyone who fancies being stealthy. Here’s where to get Cloak Gauntlets and how they work.

Where to get Cloak Gauntlets in Fortnite and how they work

Cloak Gauntlets can be found on the ground or in chests across the Chapter 4 Season 3 map. Additionally, you can get an enhanced version of the Wildguard Relik’s Cloak Gauntlets by defeating the new boss Wildguard Relik at Rumble Ruins. More on that below.

Cloak Gauntlets can be used by pressing the fire button while having them equipped, and doing so will turn you almost entirely invisible for a short while. During this time, you’ll be able to move around a bit more stealthily–but that doesn’t mean there aren’t some downsides. Most notably, you won’t be able to equip or use any weapons, as doing so will break the invisibility effect.

Despite not being able to use weapons while invisible, the Cloak Gauntlets can still be great at helping you reposition or sneak by foes you’re not wanting to fight at that time. Even more, you can find your way behind them and then break out of stealth with a weapon to quickly pull off a surprise attack.

The standard Cloak Gauntlets have a cooldown of 30 seconds, meaning you’ll want to make absolutely certain you’re using them at the right time. If you manage to get your hands on Wildguard Relik’s Cloak Gauntlets, however, you’ll find that they not only have a shorter cooldown of 20 seconds but also keep you invisible longer, making these a hot commodity in each match.

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About Billy Givens

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