Apex Legends developer Respawn Entertainment announced the game’s newest in-game event, The Dressed To Kill Collection Event, via a launch trailer uploaded to the game’s official YouTube channel. As with all Collection Events, Dressed To Kill will introduce 24 unique premium cosmetics to the game, and players who collect them all will unlock Horizon‘s long-awaited Heirloom Weapon, the Gravity Maw.
In addition to paid cosmetics, the event will also feature a free reward track that includes a Bloodhound skin, a Bocek weapon skin, two holosprays, and other goodies like Crafting Metals that will become available as players progress through the reward track. Additionally, some exclusive cosmetic bundles will be available in the in-game store for the duration of the event.
But snazzy cosmetics aren’t the only thing this event has to offer–Dressed To Kill will also feature the return of Apex’s very first LTM, Armed And Dangerous. The LTM was last seen during last summer’s Gaiden event, so fans of the shotty/sniper-only mode will be pleased to see it return to the Apex Games.
In addition to high-class cosmetics and an old-school LTM, the Dressed To Kill event will also launch alongside a game update that consists mostly of bug-fixes and quality-of-life updates, though there are some changes to legends and weapons as well. The Sentinel and Alternator are returning to the loot pool, while the Rampage and R-99 will take their place in the Replicators scattered across the map. The EVA-8 has received a small buff, increasing the weapon’s base rate-of-fire along with an increase to the rate-of-fire with a white shotgun bolt equipped.
As for legends, Seer is getting some pretty serious nerfs, with the range of his passive Heartbeat Sensor reduced from 75m to 50m, and the range of his tactical Focus Of Attention ability also being reduced, from 75m to 60m. Even more extreme, his Exhibit ultimate ability’s throw range is now only 15m (previously 50m) and his tactical ability no longer cancels enemy heals, revives, or interactions with Respawn Beacons. The full patch notes are transcribed below.
The Dressed To Kill Collection Event goes live next Tuesday, June 20, at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET, and is set to end on Tuesday, July 4, at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET.
Balance Updates
Weapon Crafting Rotation R-99 enters the crafterRampage LMG enters the crafterAlternator SMG returns to the floorSentinel returns to the floorWeapon Crafting RotationEvac Tower: reduced spawn rate to match Heat ShieldsMobile Respawn Beacon: slightly increased spawn rate
Weapon Updates
Nemesis Burst AR Projectile Speed reducedProjectile gravity increasedEVA-8 Increased base rate of fireIncreased white bolt rate of fireRate of fire with blue, purple, and gold bolts is unchanged
Legends Update
Passive: Heartbeat Sensor Range Reduced to 50m ( was 75m )Initial Heartbeat delay significantly reducedTactical: Focus of Attention Range Reduced to 60m ( was 75m )Firing Speed Increased ( ~30% faster )Removed Heal CancelRemoved Revive CancelRemoved Respawn Beacon Interaction InterruptScan Time Reduced to 2.5s ( was 8s ) Scan once again includes a full body highlightEnemies hit by Focus of Attention are now Slowed for 2.5sSilence Time Increased to 10s ( was 1.75 ) Enemies who are silenced by Seer are now also highlighted with a threat outline to Seer and his teammates but only when they have line of sightUltimate: Exhibit Throw Range Reduced to ~15m ( was ~50m )Removed Diamond Scan Markers on Enemy Movement Exhibit will now only show the footsteps of players moving in the zoneDiamond Markers will now ONLY appear with enemy gunfire for 1.25s
Quality of Life
Firing Range Customize Range menu additions New option to switch to 3rd personNew option to show a general-purpose timerNew options to match dummy helmet levels to shield levels.General dummies and collision updates Spawning distancing and frequency improvementsFiring Range target redesignAdded more hotlinks to how to gain weapon mastery XP to the overview tab and the end of game weapons tabAudio engine stability improvementsBloodhound Trials: updated loot on World’s Edge to now dispense Smart Loot for the active team in the Trials at the end of each challenge roundNewcastle: now destroys Jump Pads and Crypto Drones on Castle Wall Impact like other placeable objectsExtended Supply (Support) Bins have a higher chance to give an MRB to Support legends who have dead teammates, banners are not required for higher chanceLegends Menu Added new Legend Bios tabRemoved the classes subtabsPC Added a new menu option: “Clamp Mouse Cursor to Game Window”FPS in the Lobby is now capped at 60Hz, which should give high-end graphics cards a chance to cool down between matchesIntel ARC users will receive a popup prompt to consider the DX12 Beta, which has shown improved performance characteristics on ARC hardware. Players can try the DX12 Beta by following the instructions here: https://go.ea.com/ApexDX12Updated podium screen to minimize white flashesWeapons Menu: added new Weapon Backgrounds tab
Bug Fixes
[CAR] correct active ammo now shows in the inventory when infinite ammo is activeFixed “are you sure you want to leave” prompt in states that were not applicable (ex. squad wipes)Fixed tops of buildings not registering as out of bounds on World’s EdgeFixed Ballistic’s Tempest VFX staying on while cloaked or phase shiftedFixed Ballistic’s sling weapon icon not updating for spectatorsFixed death recap appearing blank if you were dead or died when the game endedFixed “decoy destroyed” message not displaying when destroying a decoy with Newcastle’s Castle WallFixed Extended Supply Bin logic to address MRBs not awarding to players with dead teammates and MRBs are in ground lootFixed invisible optic on a primary weapon after swapping it with the sling weaponFixed MRB icon being squished in Control on ultrawide monitorsFixed occasional client crash when exiting an IMC armoryFixed occasional crash when changing legends while emoting as Ballistic in firing rangeFixed pinging Icarus Bridge on Olympus while holding a vault key displaying incorrectlyFixed pinging weapon icons on the map and minimap being squishedFixed teams being unable to craft banners if the support legend on the team leavesReplicator: players should no longer get stuck when craftingWeapon Mastery: badge preview now correctly updates after earning the first oneVolume sliders now increase/decrease correctly when using controllerAudio
Fixed certain movement sounds taking priority over footstepsFixed hearing Ballistic’s tactical sound effect in other firing rangesFixed incorrect sound effect when Ballistic hits a teammate with WhistlerFixed more issues with server audio dropoutsFixed players emitting falling audio after dying
Ballistic Backpack no longer stays open when downed while Tempest is activeFixed an exploit where players could get a weapon with attachments into SlingNow auto-cycles to his sling weapon when other weapons run out of ammoTactical lock-on effect no longer stays if downed while locked onTactical lock-on effect no longer stays if hit by Seer’s tactical while locked onLifeline: fixed Shinobi Surgeon skin texturesNewcastle: fixed inconsistencies on landing with Castle WallRampart Nemesis voiceline no longer plays every time the gun is picked upPlaced Sheila turrets no longer keep the fast reloads from Ballistic’s TempestValkyrie Dummies not scanning in the firing range while skydivingHeartbeat Harmonizer skin no longer blocks ADS with Prowler + 1x HoloImprovements to Skyward Launch avoiding obstacles that appeared above her after she had already started launchingWattson Fixed fences occasionally being invisible through doorsSolar Static skin is no longer extra toothyWraith: Into the Void no longer prevents skydive from Evac Towers13 Apex Legends Features Respawn Needs To Steal From Apex MobileSee More