Action-Packed Trailer Showcases Immortals Of Aveum's Magical FPS Gameplay

A new gameplay trailer for Immortals of Aveum was shown during Summer Games Fest. The trailer focused on a battle taking place on a mech in the middle of the ocean, showing off a variety of magic abilities.

The sequence shows off some prominent abilities, like a whip, which can be used to both throw enemies and pull yourself towards objects as you fight enemies in small, arena-like areas. The main character is a special type of battle mage who has access to all three colors of magic, with explosive red magic, rapid fire green magic, and more AoE focused purple abilities. The combat moves quickly, seemingly inspired by the fast-paced action of shooters like Doom Eternal.

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Now Playing: Immortals of Aveum Gameplay Trailer | Summer Game Fest 2023

The combat shown in the trailer looks inspired by Doom Eternal, with a ton of different magical abilities mixed in. In addition to the primary attacks that function more like guns, an ability menu is shown at one point, where special magic attacks are used. The one in the trailer makes a small black hole that sucks enemies into a single area for an easy follow-up. A shield is shown as well that is used to block enemy ranged attacks, and there is a button prompt on the screen that suggests some type of ultimate ability, although it isn’t shown.

The trailer also gives a better look into the aesthetic of the game, mixing heavy machines–like the massive mech the battle takes place on–mixed with the fantasy elements of the combat. Immortals of Aveum releases on July 20 for Xbox Series X|S, PS5, and PC.

Summer Game Fest 2023: The Biggest Games AnnouncementsSee More

About James Carr

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