Bungie has announced that Destiny 2’s annual Guardian Games event will return next week, featuring new earnable rewards, freebies, and more.
The free in-game event will begin on May 2 and last for three weeks until the end of Season 20 on May 23. The competition will once again allow players to earn medallions for completing a series of activities in Destiny 2, including a class-based version of the PvP mode Supremacy.
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There will be two special Guardian Games weapons to earn during the event. The brand-new Taraxippos–the first Legendary Strand scout rifle in the game–and The Title–the Void submachine gun–which is back with new updates, including the ability to roll with the Repulsor Brace perk.
The event will also be giving away some freebies, centering around the Guardian Games Event Card. After completing challenges on their card, players can obtain cosmetic rewards like a new Exotic emote, the brand-new Champ title, as well as extra Triumphs. Players can also upgrade their Event Card for 1,000 Silver to instantly unlock additional earnable rewards.
Bungie’s initial announcement indicated that crafted weapons could be leveled up whenever medallions are deposited at the Tower. The developer later clarified in a tweet that is not the case, but there will be a progression buff for weapon levels active during the event, so you will want to have crafted weapons equipped while playing.
Alongside the in-game event, the Guardian Games Cup–which debuted last year–will also be making a return. While last year saw selected teams participating, this time all players and their Fireteams are invited to raise money for charity along the way. Teams will compete in the Technical and Charitable categories; the Technical category tracks each officially registered team’s total number of medals earned during Guardian Games, while the Charitable category tracks the total amount raised through the team’s official Bungie Foundation sign-up page throughout the same period.
Additional information on prizes, as well as how to participate in the Guardian Games in-game event, can be found on the official website.
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