Activision has released a community update blog for Call of Duty: Warzone 2, revealing some of the changes players can expect for Season 3. These new details include major updates to the battle royale’s pacing, movement, and sniper rifle damage.
Based on community feedback, Activision says Season 3 of Warzone 2 will bring improvements to the core pacing of matches, which includes a reduced delay time between circles closing towards the mid-game point, more ammo caches and Buy Stations, as well as the inclusion of UAV Towers to provide additional intel.
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Changes are also being made to combat. As previously announced, one-shot sniper rifles are returning to the battle royale. Activision says one-shot snipers are being included in Season 3 to “create added variety in combat playstyles,” but there will be limitations to downing players in one shot. This will be limited to just the bolt-action snipers equipped with explosive ammunition type. Additionally, the MCPR-300 sniper rifle will have explosive ammunition added to its weapon progression unlocks for Season 3.
Equipment and killstreak rebalances are coming to Season 3 as well, including a bomb drone update to prevent it from downing players in one hit.
Players can expect movement and traversal changes for the new season. The publisher says movement should feel more “dynamic and fluid” with improvements to mantling, slight adjustments to sliding and diving responsiveness, and the addition of Season 3’s Redeploy Drones.
Activision says quality-of-life updates remain an area of continued focus for Warzone 2, and that more details will arrive with the Season 3 patch notes, as well as in the weeks to come. Information on Warzone’s new Ranked Play mode will be arriving at a later date as well. The competitive mode is scheduled to arrive sometime during the season.
For more on Season 3, check out all the highlights from the upcoming battle pass, which includes two DLC weapons, new cosmetics, and operator skins for Valeria and Alejandro. On the multiplayer side of Call of Duty, Season 3 of Modern Warfare 2 will introduce new maps, Gunfight and Cranked modes, and more.
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