Resident Evil 4 – Del Lago Boss Guide

Resident Evil 4 has numerous bosses for you to battle and eliminate. One of these is Del Lago, a monstrous creature that lurks underwater. Here’s our Resident Evil 4 Del Lago boss guide to help you defeat this opponent.

Resident Evil 4 Del Lago boss guide

The Resident Evil 4 Del Lago boss fight occurs around a couple of hours or so after the start of the campaign. Basically, you’ll need to get the Insignia Key to reach the Church and the Quarry. Then, after you find fuel in the Fish Farm, you can start the boat’s engine to go across the lake. A short cutscene will play, whereupon the monster emerges from the deep.

Given that the Resident Evil 4 Del Lago boss fight is the first major encounter in the campaign, it’s still a way for you to test waters (pun intended). The mechanics are fairly straightforward:

Del Lago will pull the boat around, and you can use the thumbstick to move sideways so as to avoid the debris in the water.Your main means of damaging it are the harpoons, which can be thrown by pressing L1 and R2 (PlayStation) or LB and RT (Xbox).One of the creature’s moves is disappearing for a few seconds before reemerging, gunning straight for Leon and the boat. A couple of things can happen here: If you’re quick enough, you can harpoon the monster and interrupt its attack, preventing the boat from taking damage.If it attempts to chomp down on the boat, you’ll have to mash the button prompt that appears. Failure to do so will cause Leon to get eaten alive.

When you’re done with this encounter, Leon will head to a nearby boathouse. Soon, though, you’ll find an undamaged vessel that you can sail (the lake is fully explorable now), while you attempt to solve the Mural Cave Puzzle and open various Wayshrines.

Resident Evil 4 has more mechanics and secrets for you to discover. You can learn more in our guides hub.

About Jason Rodriguez

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