If you’re diving into Fortnite during the Most Wanted event, you’ll have quite a lot of cool stuff to figure out and find. From fresh cosmetics to unlock to brand-new exotic guns to find alongside some unvaulted favorites, you’re probably already feeling like it’s a lot to take in, but now you’ve noticed the new Heat Level in every match. If you’re wondering how it all works, we’ve got you covered below.
How Heat Level works in Fortnite
During the Most Wanted event, you’ll have a Heat Level in every match, which you’ll be able to see as flame icons in your HUD. This level will increase each time you eliminate another player, open a vault, or answer one of the burner payphones in Cold Blooded-controlled areas of the map–and that can be both a good and bad thing. On the plus side, you’ll gain some neat boons at each level, but they’ll come at the cost of you becoming more visible to opponents and showing up on the minimap.
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Heat Level 1 – Eliminated opponents drop additional bars.Heat Level 2 – Increases your movement speed by 15%, and you’ll regenerate up to 100 health out of combat.Heat Level 3 – Increases your movement speed by 20%, and you’ll regenerate up to 100 health and 50 shields out of combat.Heat Level 4 – Increases your movement speed by 25%, and you’ll regenerate up to 100 health and 100 shields out of combat.
As you can see, you’ll be playing a game of risk and reward when taking out your enemies or opening Cold Blooded Vaults, but it’s our opinion that it’s typically worth it. That extra movement speed and constant regeneration outside of combat significantly offset the fact that you’ll have a target on your back (figuratively speaking). So get out there and mow down your enemies and become, well, the most wanted.