After the game’s launch in September, Nintendo announced the Splatoon 3 Expansion Pass during today’s Nintendo Direct.
The pass will include two waves of extra content, with the first one centered around Inkopolis, the hub world from the original Splatoon. It will include the Booyah Base complete with the same weapons and gear found in Splatsville, as well as new shopkeepers. During Splat Fests, the Squid Sisters from Splatoon 2, Callie and Marie, will perform in the main area.
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Now Playing: Splatoon 3: Expansion Pass – Announcement Trailer – Nintendo Direct 2.8.23
The second wave, Side Order, was given a brief teaser in the Direct presentation, which showed a world devoid of most of its color and a single Octoling standing within it.
Splatoon 3 launched in September 2022 after first being announced during the February 2021 Nintendo Direct. The game introduced a new world in Splatsville, a new story mode, and an enhanced multiplayer experience featuring the series’s signature paint-based gameplay.
Splatoon 3 is available now on Nintendo Switch. The Splatoon 3 Expansion Pass’s first wave, Inkopolis, is scheduled to drop in Spring 2023.