Final Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Demo Releasing In February

Ahead of its release on March 3, Koei Tecmo and Team Ninja will release a final demo for its action-RPG Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. This new slice of content will be available from February 24 through March 26, and features the first two chapters of the game that were not featured in the first demo.

Like the previous demo, you’ll be able to download this across all systems that the game is scheduled to release on, including PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One. Online multiplayer will also be available, and as an added bonus, clearing the first chapter and transferring the saved data to the main game will unlock the Crouching Dragon Helmet when Wo Long is released. The game will also be available through Xbox Game Pass.

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Now Playing: Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Gameplay

In case you need a quick catch-up, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is a spiritual successor to Team Ninja’s Souls-like Nioh series. Set in China and taking place before the fall of the Han dynasty, Wo Long retells Chinese history as a dark fantasy, complete with famous historical figures, monsters, and demons.

One of the big gameplay features on display is a morale system, which indicates the strength of both your character and your opponents. Defeating enemies with a higher morale rank than your character will earn you valuable items, but you’ll have to gauge if the risk is worth the reward. Team Ninja has stated Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty will be its most challenging game yet, but it will have difficulty options available for players to choose from.

“The speedy gameplay, the variety of attack options, and the push-and-pull nature of the spirit system make Wo Long feel like a fresh spin on Souls-like games,” Phil Hornshaw wrote in GameSpot’s Wo-Long: Fallen Dynasty preview. “It captures the difficulty and skill players like about the genre, while pushing a different kind of action game feel, one more akin to some of Team Ninja’s other titles. Though we haven’t seen all of Wo Long in action yet, Team Ninja’s demo does a great job of giving a snapshot of a tough game that starts at the same place as other Souls-likes and goes in an exciting new direction.”

For more details, you can check out GameSpot’s feature on everything that we know about Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.

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About Darryn Bonthuys

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