Don’t count on a new XCOM anytime soon. Jake Solomon, who directed XCOM 2 and Marvel’s Midnight Suns, explained that he’s got his hands full with the latter at the moment. As such, he claims he has no idea what the future holds for the XCOM series.
Solomon spoke with VGC recently about Midnight Suns. But, of course, Solomon was asked about returning to XCOM in the future too. “I personally have no information on that right now and I say that because, truly, yesterday I was working on Morbius’ abbey outfits and recolors, so I am not working on it,” he explained. “I don’t have any secret agenda, I don’t know anything about XCOM at this point.”
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Now Playing: XCOM: Chimera Squad Video Review
Developer Firaxis Games has worked on the last four games in the strategy series–and five out of the last six. The latest entry in the franchise was 2020’s XCOM: Chimera Squad, which we gave an 8/10 in our XCOM: Chimera Squad review.
Last year, Solomon said the XCOM series was “definitely not dead.” But for now, it seems like Solomon and Firaxis are focusing on Midnight Suns. In fact, the strategy game just received Deadpool DLC called The Good, The Bad, and The Undead.
For more, check out GameSpot’s Midnight Suns review.
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