Overwatch 2 Battle For Olympus Details: Playable Characters, Divine Ultimates, And Rewards

As part of Overwatch 2 Season 2’s Greek mythology theme, Blizzard is introducing a new, limited-time game mode: Battle for Olympus. The mode sees heroes go head-to-head in a free-for-all deathmatch, after which the hero with the greatest number of kills across the entire event will have their statue placed on the Illios Ruins arena map to commemorate their victory. The event runs from January 5-19 and offers players several limited-time rewards.

However, not all of Overwatch 2’s various heroes and villains are invited to these Olympic games. Ramattra, Junker Queen, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Pharah, Widowmaker, and Lucio are the elite few blessed with the divine powers of seven Greek gods and are therefore able to compete.

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Now Playing: Overwatch 2 Seasonal Event | Battle for Olympus 2023

Along with their gods’ favor, these heroes also get new skins and new abilities referred to as Divine Ultimates. These abilities will function fairly similarly to the character’s usual Ultimates, albeit with some fun, mythical twists. Widowmaker, for example, will take on the appearance of Medusa, and when using Divine Infra-Sight, gains the ability to turn opponents looking at her into stone. The complete list of heroes, their chosen deities, and their Divine Ultimates is as follows:

Poseidon Ramattra

Divine Annihilation

Ravenous Vortex is a large whirlpool that pulls in enemies then launches them upwardPummel throws large water blasts that deal more damage and travel further

Zeus Junker Queen

Divine Rampage

Lasts 20 secondsDamage done with Scattergun has the chance to apply additional lightning damage to her abilities

Minotaur Reinhardt

Divine Earthshatter

Lasts 20 secondsHeals when he charges and slams an enemy into a wallCharge can pin up to 3 targets at onceCharge cooldown is reduced to 3 secondsWall slams deal lethal damage, extend the divine power, and set the next Charge cooldown to 0.5 seconds

Cyclopes Roadhog

Divine Whole Hog

Lasts 15 secondsGreatly increase your size, gaining 600 healthHurl boulders that deal massive damage instead of his normal ultimate fireMelee deals 5x damage and push enemies away

Hades Pharah

Divine Rocket Barrage

Lasts 20 secondsCan move during the ultimate abilityRocket Launcher fires 3-headed rocketsJump Jet fuel consumption is greatly reducedKills heal Pharah and extend the duration of this effect

Medusa Widowmaker

Divine Infra-Sight

While scoped in, enemies looking at you turn into stone

Hermes Lucio

Divine Sound Barrier

Lasts 20 secondsAlways able to jump again after jumping off a wallBoop can always knock enemies into walls for extra damage and a short stunAttack and move speed greatly increasedInfinite ammo

In addition to the most deadly of these heroes seeing their likeness carved in stone, players can also unlock voice lines, player titles, and the Legendary Winged Victory Mercy skin by playing Battle for Olympus. For additional information, be sure to give the official Overwatch 2 blog post detailing the event a read.

About Jessica Cogswell

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