Pokemon Go Twinkling Fantasy Event Brings Mega Salamence To Your Local Pokemon Gym

Pokemon Go is beginning 2023 with a bang, as Niantic has followed up the recent announcement of the next Community Day Classic with details on the next in-game event, which will be called Twinkling Fantasy.

The Pokemon GO Twinkling Fantasy event will begin January 10 at 8 AM local time and will run until January 16 at 10 PM local time. The limited-time event will see Mega Salamence make its Pokemon Go debut by appearing in four-star Mega Raids at Gyms throughout the game.

Pokemon appearing in the wild during the Twinkling Fantasy event include Clefairy, Jigglypuff, and Dratini, while Dedenne’s shiny variant will be available for the first time. Pokemon who are caught with a special throw–either Nice, Great, or Excellent–will earn players extra bonuses including increased experience and earned candy.

The full slate of events scheduled for the Pokemon Go Twinkling Fantasy event are as follows:

New PokemonMega Salamence will appear in Mega Raids for the first timeEvent BonusesDouble experience for catching a Pokemon with a Nice, Great, or Excellent throw.Additional candy for catching a Pokemon with a Nice, Great, or Excellent throw.Increased chance for Candy XL when catching a Pokemon with a Nice, Great, or Excellent throw (players level 31 and up only).Pokemon Encounters (all Pokemon with asterisks have a chance to be shiny when encountered) Wild: Bagon*Clefable*Clefairy*Dedenne*Deino*Dratini*Goomy (rare encounter)Jigglypuff*Marill*Noibat* (rare encounter)Ralts*Togetic*VibravaRaids (all Pokemon with asterisks have a chance to be shiny when encountered) One-Star: Axew*, Deino*, Jigglypuff*, Marill*Three-Star: Dedenne*, Druddigon*, Mawile*Five-Star: Zekrom* Any Zekrom caught after being defeated in a raid will know the special Charged Move, Fusion Bolt.Mega: Mega Salamence*Field Research (encountered after completing certain Field Research tasks) Bagon*Clefairy*Dedenne*Dratini*Goomy* (rare encounter)Collection ChallengePlayers who complete the Twinkling Fantasy collection challenge will receive 50 Mega Salamence energy, a Charged TM, and a Fast TM.

Pokemon Go is available to download now on iOS and Android devices.

About Jason Fanelli

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