Private Division and Bloober Team have announced that they are working on a new survival-horror game. The game is in early development and isn’t expected to launch before 2025.
“Our next project is an exciting new survival-horror game, which will help us become a leader in the horror industry at large,” Bloober Team CEO Piotr Babieno said in a statement. “I am grateful for this cooperation with Private Division. Their expertise is extensive, and their people are also very approachable.”
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Private Division head of business development, Blake Rochkind, added, “We knew we could not simply have a one-size-fits-all approach in today’s world. We never like to say ‘no’ to an incredible game concept due to the size of the project, and the Private Division Development Fund enables us to identify and support some of the best creative ideas our industry has to offer.”
No other details were shared, such as launch platforms, but Bloober Team’s most-recent projects like The Medium, Layers of Fears, and the Silent Hill 2 remake have been released exclusively on PC and current-gen consoles. Private Division has published many titles including OlliOlli World, Rollerdrome, Hades, and the upcoming Kerbal Space Program 2.
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