Author George R.R. Martin has provided another update on the status of his next A Song of Ice and Fire book, The Winds of Winter. In a strange interview with an animated host and another author, James Patterson, Martin said he’s written about 1,100 to 1,200 pages of the book in the past 11 years.
He still has about 400 or 500 more pages to go, Martin said. He also confirmed that he continues to write the book on his trusty DOS machine that runs WordStar. “Try something else, then, because that’s not working,” Patterson says to Martin about his writing process.
As for when Martin will finish the remaining pages? That’s anyone’s guess.
At the end of October this year, Martin said he was about 75% finished with The Winds of Winter. The Winds of Winter will be the biggest entry in the series so far by page count, Martin said, noting that it will eclipse A Storm of Swords and Dance With Dragons.
“I am making progress with The Winds of Winter, but it’s still not done yet. I think it’s going to be a very big book. The biggest books so far were The Storm of Swords and Dance With Dragons. Those were both about 1,500 pages. This one is going to be bigger,” he said.
Some character story arcs are finished and others still need more work. Part of the process now for Martin is weaving the stories together. “It’s still going to take me a while,” he said.
In addition to writing The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring, Martin is an executive producer on HBO’s House of the Dragon and the upcoming Jon Snow TV series starring Kit Harington.
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