Chainsaw Man's Cast Reacts To Surprising Moments In The Anime

If there’s one anime that got everyone talking in 2022, it’s Chainsaw Man. The series follows a devil hunter who can turn into a hybrid beast with chainsaws on his arms, and one coming out of his face. Aside from the titular character, there are plenty of other horrifying monsters in the series, and other wild moments on the show, so the viewer is always going to be a bit surprised by what they see on the screen. But what surprises the English voice cast of the series?

The English voice of Power is none other than Sarah Wiedenheft. Known for her work in Black Clover and Dragon Ball Super, she’s no stranger to voicing characters in various anime, but Chainsaw Man still found ways to surprise her. “I thought the Bat Devil coming to her and requesting that she do the dirty work for the Bat Devil was really interesting and strange,” she told GameSpot, referencing Episode 3 of the anime. Power isn’t a traditional devil hunter–but what is traditional, anyway? She’s a fiend, which is a devil that’s taken over a dead body. More specifically, it’s the Blood Devil that’s taken over this body.

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Now Playing: CHAINSAW MAN English Dub Cast on Inspirations Behind Character Voices

“Why would a devil make another devil do this? How? What is their motive? What would bring them to do such a thing? And then that devil eats her after eating her cat. The fact that he just straight up ate her and he’s like, ‘You know what? That blood was disgusting. I ate her too, even though she’s nasty.’ This Bat Devil’s so strange. I can’t wrap my head around the fact that he just swallowed her hole.”

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Whether it’s the horrifying devils on the screen, or inner-monologue from a character that’s super-volcanic with sexual tension, English voice actor Ryan Colt Levy (My Hero Academia) found taking on the role of Denji left him seeing things in anime he hadn’t seen before. “Many things that were like, ‘Wow, they’re doing stuff that nobody else is really doing,'” he said to GameSpot. “But within what we’ve recorded so far, almost everything Denji gets to say, and the way that it’s been scripted is like.. I’ve never gotten to see stuff like this before playing any character. Every time I see a new script, I’m like, ‘Well, this is the best day ever.'”

“I would say I was surprised by some of the additions made in the anime as compared to the manga,” said Suzie Yeung who voices Makima. “There was that tie scene where she ties the tie around Denji’s neck, and I thought that was a nice touch. It was like a little addition to it, where she has some added dialogue and like just being a little bit closer to Denji.”

Whether it’s the monsters, additions to the anime, or elements the series hasn’t gotten to yet from the manga, there’s a lot to take in. “I just had to just put the book down and just heave a big sigh, ‘Oh my gosh, I’m feeling so many things right now,” Reagan Murdock, who voices Aki, said. “This is a very heartfelt story.”

The subtitled version of Chainsaw Man is currently on Episode 8, while the dubbed version is on Episode 6–featuring the cast mentioned above. New episodes of Chainsaw Man airs on Tuesdays on Crunchyroll and Hulu.

Chainsaw Man: 16 Devils And Fiends From The Anime That Will Haunt Your NightmaresSee More

About Mat Elfring

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