Fall Guys Street Fighter Collaboration Adds Ryu, Cammy, And Akuma Costumes

Fall Guys is taking things to the streets with its latest collaboration, as Street Fighter has officially entered the Blunderdome with three new costume sets, a new emote, and more.

Ryu, Cammy, and Akuma are the featured fighters in this collaboration, with each one featuring a top and bottom in the set. The Ryu and Akuma sets include their usual white and navy blue gis respectively, while the Cammy set sports the classic Delta Red attire.

The World Warrior costumes are split into two bundles, which are as follows:

Ryu’s Bundle (1000 Show-Bucks) Includes Ryu costume, Ryu nameplate, and Hadoken emoteCammy & Akuma Bundle (1200 Show-Bucks) Includes Cammy costume, Akuma costume, and nameplates for both

Street Fighter is the latest video game-themed collaboration for the free-to-play variety game, which has also featured costumes from both recent indie darlings–like Cuphead and Bugsnax–and older names in gaming, including Sonic the Hedgehog, Fatal Fury, and Doom.

Fall Guys is free to download now on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Street Fighter 6–the latest in the classic fighting game franchise–is scheduled to launch next year on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PC.

About Jason Fanelli

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