In God of War Ragnarok, an early mine puzzle in Svartalfheim may prove to be the first time you’ll be stopped dead in your tracks. This tricky puzzle demands Kratos use his frosty Leviathan Axe in a clever new way, but without much of a tutorial from the game, you’re likely to get stuck. Fear not: We’re here to help. Here’s how to solve the mine puzzle in God of War Ragnarok.
The Quest for Tyr mine puzzle
You’ll encounter this mine puzzle during the main story mission titled “The Quest for Tyr.” Kratos and Atreus will be exploring the realm of Svartalfheim when they come a a mineshaft that includes several manmade waterways. You’ll need to redirect this water in order to turn a crank that will allow you to cross an opening, but the trick that “unlocks” the solution is something you’ll not have done yet in-game. Follow along with pictures below, or just follow our words.
First, you’ll want to send Atreus up the climbable wall next to the entrance, which you do by looking toward it and pressing Square when prompted. Next, take your axe and throw it at the left waterway so that the icy collision creates a dam right after where the wheel is, causing the water to spill over. Tell Atreus to spin the crank he’s standing next to and several chunks of ore will come floating down the waterway, colliding with your frosty impromptu dam. Now you can recall your axe and the ore-made dam will continue to reroute the water onto the wheel, moving a platform to the middle of the room.
Repeat the first part of this process on the other waterway to your right: Block the water with your axe’s frost ability so that the water spills onto the wheel. This allows each moving platform to move to the right spot without demanding Kratos carries a second axe. You can then freely move to the far end of the room, but you’re not done yet.
Now you’ll be stuck in this spot, and you’ll need to get only the first moving platform back to its starting position–which is now to your right. For that, tell Atreus to use his green arrows to destroy the ore sitting in the waterway. This will allow the water to freely flow as it originally did, which will also move the platform back to where it was–and where you need it to be now. Jump across and reconnect with your son. Nice job, dad!
We have many more God of War Ragnarok guides, so don’t miss them. If you’re wondering about the time investment you’re about to commit, check out our God of War Ragnarok Platinum Trophy guide and an explainer on how long God of War Ragnarok is.