Pokemon trainers waiting for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet to arrive hit a surprise jackpot over the weekend, as a new Pokemon called Gimmighoul became the latest species revealed for the new game.
Gimmighoul is a Ghost-type Pokemon that can be found hiding in chests filled with coins throughout the Paldean region. The impish Pokemon will change between one of two forms: Chest form, where it mimics the aforementioned chest of coins and ambushes trainers, and Roaming form, where it leaves the confines of the chest and walks around with a single coin on its back.
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Now Playing: Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Gimmighoul Reveal Trailer
The Ghost-type Gimmighoul will also apparently serve as the lynchpin of a connection between Pokemon Scarlet/Violet and Pokemon Go, which The Pokemon Company has revealed will be coming in 2023. A five-minute trailer shows Pokemon Go’s Professor Willow speaking to the Paldean academy’s biology professor, Jacq, about the new Pokemon, including the legend of its origin.
More about this mysterious new Pokemon and its connection to Pokemon Go could be revealed as soon as tomorrow, as the official Pokemon Twitter account has announced a new trailer for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will air November 8 at 6 AM PT / 9 AM ET.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet launches November 18 exclusively on Nintendo Switch. A special Nintendo Switch OLED Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Edition console is available now.