With Season of Plunder drawing to a close, Bungie has begun teasing what’s next for Destiny 2 in Season 19. One activity that the studio did confirm this week in its weekly blog post is a new dungeon, which will arrive on December 9 at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET. This new high-level PvE event will be active from the first Friday of Season 19, but Bungie didn’t share any more details regarding which enemies players will encounter or which location they’ll visit.
Previous dungeons have had primarily featured rogue Cabal forces, the Taken army, Hive legions, and the Fallen, although the Vex and Scorn have been curiously missing in action. The Vex in particular have been largely sidelined since Season of the Splicer, while the Scorn were present in The Witch Queen expansion and played a larger role in Season of the Haunted’s storyline.
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Now Playing: Destiny 2: Season of the Haunted – Duality Dungeon Trailer
This will also be the first dungeon since Duality, which was released back in May. In that particular encounter, fireteams had to board the Derelict Leviathan and venture into the mindscape of former Cabal emperor Calus, with the rewards including a potential drop of the Heartshadow Exotic sword.
In other Destiny 2 news, small changes are coming to all four subclasses in Season 19 and a bigger overhaul of these Guardian powers is being planned after the launch of the Lightfall expansion on February 28, 2023. Bungie has also issued a PSA to PS5 players, to remind them that a free current-gen upgrade is available for anyone still playing the PS4 version of the game on the newer PlayStation hardware.
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