Every Persona 5 Royal Crossword Puzzle Answer – Earn Free Knowledge Points

Playing through the massive game, you’ll soon find Persona 5 Royal contains a series of crossword puzzles, in fact. Throughout the course of the in-game year, you’ll find a book on the table furthest from the entrance door in Leblanc. Interact with the book and you’ll then be prompted to solve a crossword. If you’re successful in figuring it out, you’ll be rewarded with one knowledge point for free, and it’s worth doing because it doesn’t consume any in-game time. This is a great way to earn easy knowledge points in Persona 5 Royal.

Note that when you initiate a crossword puzzle, you only need to solve for the line that’s highlighted in blue. All other words around it serve as hints by letting you whittle down the number of letters you have left to work with or fill certain letter for the line in blue.

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With all that said, here are the solutions for the crossword puzzles we’ve found in P5R (note that there may be more we have yet to discover):

Persona 5 Royal crossword answers

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For more on the game, be sure to check out our spoiler-free guide on how to unlock the new palace and extra semester that’s exclusive to P5R. We’ve finished the entire game as well and we outlined how long to beat P5R depending on how you play. You should also read my full Persona 5 Royal review in which it earned a 10/10; I concluded, “Persona 5 Royal asserts itself as an unforgettable and empowering RPG that should be recognized as one of the best games of our time.”

About Michael Higham

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