Konami’s Silent Hill event has hyped fans wondering what the future holds for the dormant franchise. Well, according to the event’s own YouTube description, it appears that the long-rumored Silent Hill 2 remake is indeed real.
Twitter user Nibel first noticed that the Silent Hill Transmission’s YouTube metadata contained several references to apparent Silent Hill projects, including Silent Hill Ascension, Return to Silent Hill, and Silent Hill 2. That event is happening today, October 19 at 2 PM PT / 5 PM ET. While it’s possible that the Silent Hill 2 tag is just a coincidence, persistent rumors of a remake have circulated for years. Given that SH2 is by far the most popular game in the series, it’s not hard to believe that Konami would greenlight it.
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Prior to the stream, a Twitch user called the Survival Horror Network said on Twitter that they received an email from Twitch stating that they cannot monetize Konami’s stream. However, the “copyrighted content” in the email was labeled as Silent Hill 2: Part 1. This has led some to speculate that the remake might chop up the game into multiple parts, similar to the recent Final Fantasy VII remake.
For the past year, rumors have consistently suggested that Observer and The Medium studio Bloober Team is working on a Silent Hill 2 remake, and that other projects in the franchise are under development. We’ll have to see if that’s the case once Konami’s Silent Hill reveal event finally hits the airwaves. In the meantime, if you want to play Silent Hill 2, we highly recommend the fan-made Enhanced Edition.
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