Pokemon Go Festival Of Light Marks Morelull And Shiinotic's Debut, Xerneas's Return

Those waiting for Niantic to shed some light on the next big Pokemon Go event are in luck, as the company has released details on the Festival of Light, which begins October 14 at 10 AM local time and runs until October 17 at 8 PM local time.

Morelull and Shiinotic, the mushroom-like Pokemon from the Alola region, will make their Pokemon Go debut during the Festival of Light event. Morelull will appear in the wild, and 50 candies will be required to evolve a caught Morelull into Shiinotic.

The event will also mark the return of Xerneas, the sixth-generation legendary Pokemon and cover star of Pokemon X, to five-star raids. Lucky players who challenge Xerneas in a raid may encounter its shiny variant when it’s time to try and catch the Pokemon for themselves.

The full slate of features for the Pokemon Go Festival of Light is below:

New PokemonMorelull and Shiinotic, the Illuminating Pokemon, will appear for the first time.50 Morelull Candy will evolve Morelull into Shiinotic.Event BonusesPlayers will earn double the experience and double the candy after every catchIncense duration will be extended to two hoursEvent-themed stickers will be available in the shopThe chance of encountering a shiny Chinchou will be increasedPokemon Encounters (all Pokemon with asterisks have a chance to be shiny when encountered) WildChinchou*DedenneGalarian Ponyta* (rare encounter)HelioptileLitleo*LitwickMagnemite*MorelullPikachu*Togedemaru (rare encounter)Vulpix*IncenseAlolan Geodude*Blitzle*Darumaka*DedenneGalarian Darumaka* (rare encounter)Galarian Ponyta* (rare encounter)LitwickMorelullRaidsOne-Star DarumakaDedenneGalarian PonytaMorelullThree-Star Alolan Raichu*Galarian WeezingHisuian Braviary*Mawile*Five Star Xerneas*Mega Mega Manectric*Field ResearchBlitzle*Chinchou*DedenneElectabuzz*Galarian Ponyta*Magmar*MorelullTimed Research Completing research tasks focused on catching will earn players a new Sparkler Pose.

Pokemon Go is available to download for free on iOS and Android devices.

About Jason Fanelli

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