Netflix has quietly been building its gaming section, and Oxenfree–a game centered around teenagers who accidentally open up a ghostly portal– is the latest title to join the lineup.
Oxenfree is a 2016 game by Night School Studio and its sequel Oxenfree II: Lost Signals is set to release sometime in 2022. In GameSpot’s Oxenfree review, reviewer Alexa Ray Corriea praised the game for its unpredictable narrative and meaningful impact of different character choices. “Oxenfree is more than a ghost story with a Freaks and Geeks-like coating,” Corriea said. “It’s a tale of coping with loss, broken relationships, and the inflexibility with which teenagers deal with sudden change, all layered under an alarming paranormal encounter.”
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Now Playing: 1 Minute Review – Oxenfree
Night School Studio is owned by Netflix now, so it’s unsurprising the game is arriving on the app. Ostensibly, Oxenfree II will also be arriving in the service at some point in the future as well.
Netflix’s gaming section mostly offers mobile titles and boasts great titles like Into the Breach and Poinpy. Spiritfarer is another game getting added to Netflix soon, and so far, the selection of titles makes Netflix a worthy adversary of competitors like Apple Arcade.
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