Rainbow Six Mobile–a mobile port of multiplayer shooter Rainbow Six Siege–will be starting its closed beta test soon. During GameSpot Swipe, Ubisoft announced the Clubhouse map will be part of that upcoming test.
A teaser trailer for the game aired during GameSpot Swipe, showing off how Rainbow Six Siege will be implemented into a new mobile setting. The game retains the full 5v5, offense vs. defense multiplayer experience as its non-mobile predecessor, including destructible environments and operators with unique skill sets. Operators confirmed for the game so far include Ash, Hibana, Sledge, and Thermite.
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The mobile version of the Clubhouse map was also shown in the teaser, and it looks like it will be similar to the console version. The video gives brief glimpses of some of the map’s key strategic areas, including the bar area in the center of the ground floor and the cash room in the basement.
More information will be provided about Rainbow Six Mobile–and the new Clubhouse map–during the Ubisoft Forward presentation on September 10 at 12 PM PT / 3 PM ET. The event will also feature news on Mario and Rabbids: Sparks of Hope, Skull and Bones, and the future of the Assassin’s Creed franchise, which includes the recently leaked Assassin’s Creed Mirage.