Apex Legends Mobile Squad Up Event Guide

Apex Legends Mobile‘s newest in-game event, Squad Up, went live last night, and will only be available for the weekend. The event encourages players to squad up with their friends and complete challenges as a team in return for free loot. Squad Up consists of a series of challenges that can only be completed with a pre-made squad.

Players who complete all challenges will receive a series of free rewards, including in-game currency and an Epic-tier Fade holospray. Here’s everything you need to know to make quick work of this event and snag a small hoard of free loot for yourself and two friends.

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Getting started

When you log in, you’ll see a series of splash pages advertising various events, one of which is the Squad Up event. You can also navigate to the Squad Up event hub by tapping the scrolling banner on the right side of the main lobby screen when the event advertisement pops up. Alternatively, select the “Season Event” banner, then tap the “Limited-Time” tab at the top of the screen. After that, select “Squad Up” from the vertical list on the right side of the screen, located between “VIP Access” and “Daily Rewards.”

Challenges and rewards

Keep in mind that these challenges can only be completed with a pre-made squad. But don’t worry too much if you don’t already have a squad of friends to play with–it’s easy to make friends in the lobby chat. Just make sure you’ve already squadded up before you select the “Go!” option on any of the event challenges.

The event’s challenges and rewards are as follows:

Play 1 match with friends in Hack Mode: 2,000 Seasonal CurrencyPlay 1 match with friends in Kings Canyon: 1 Double XP Card (active for a single match)Play 2 matches with friends in any multiplayer mode: 3,000 Seasonal CurrencyPlay 2 matches with friends in Hack Mode: 10 Syndicate Pack Pieces (enough to craft 1 Syndicate Pack)Play 3 battle royale matches with friends: Phase Current Fade holospray (Epic)

The challenges themselves aren’t particularly difficult, but players who are determined to unlock all five rewards will want to get a move on–the Squad Up event is only live this weekend, and will come to an end on August 7.

If playing solo is more your speed, make sure to finish up any incomplete Conqueror of Kings event challenges, check out the latest Phase Heist collection, and take a look at the Distortion season overview to make sure you haven’t missed out on any free Season 2 loot–especially those sweet daily login rewards.

Apex Legends Mobile is available for download on Android and iOS devices.

All Apex Legends Mobile Season 2 Battle Pass RewardsSee More

About Claire Lewis

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