Apex Legends Mobile Conqueror Of Kings Event Guide

Apex Legends Mobile‘s latest limited-time event, Conqueror of Kings, launched this week, challenging players to “conquer” various POIs on the Kings Canyon map in return for free cosmetic rewards and in-game currency.

The event requires players to collect Crowns by completing three daily missions. Players who collect all 55 Crowns will gain five free rewards, including a mobile-exclusive skin for Pathfinder. Keep reading for a closer look at the event along with some tips to help you finish it as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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Getting started

When you first log in, you’ll be greeted with several splash screens. Select “Go!” to be taken directly to the event hub. If you accidentally skip past the splash screen, select the “Season Event” banner on the right side of the main lobby screen. Once there, select the “Limited-Time” tab on the top of the screen, then the “Conqueror of Kings” tab, which is located in the middle of the vertical event list on the right side of the screen. The event hub itself is deceptively sparse, with no event description and only a single sentence serving as the event’s directions: “Dominate the different areas of Kings Canyon to win prestigious awards.” But unlike prior mobile events, selecting the “Go!” option at the bottom of the Conqueror of Kings screen will not automatically load you into a match–instead, it will take you to the actual Conqueror of Kings event hub, which displays the event’s challenges and rewards.

Locations and challenges

When you navigate to the event hub, an animation will play, displaying a map of Kings Canyon and zeroing in on a specific POI. That OI is the area you must “conquer” by completing daily POI-exclusive challenges.

Each day, a new series of three challenges will appear in the event hub. Each day’s challenges will be tied to a specific POI. You do not need to complete all challenges the day they appear–just make sure you complete them before the event ends.

The currently unlocked POIs and their respective challenges are as follows:

Slum Lakes

Deal 1,000 damage at Slum Lakes in Kings Canyon Mode*Kill 5 enemies at Slum Lakes in Kings Canyon ModeLand at Slum Lakes at the start of a match in Kings Canyon Mode


Deal 1,000 damage at Airbase in Kings Canyon ModeDeal 500 damage in a single match in Kings Canyon ModeOpen 5 Supply Bins at Airbase in Kings Canyon Mode


Deal 1,000 damage at Repulsor in Kings Canyon ModeKill 5 enemies at Repulsor in Kings Canyon ModeKill 3 enemies in a single match at Repulsor in Kings Canyon Mode

There are still four POIs that have not yet unlocked:

Skull TownArtilleryWetlandsThe Supply Ship (which will be hovering between Water Treatment, Skull Town, and Thunderdome)

*Kings Canyon mode seems to refer to vanilla, non-ranked battle royale mode.

Crowns and rewards

Completing all three of a POI’s challenges will “conquer” that area and net you 10 Crowns. You will need a total of 55 Crowns to obtain all free rewards, but the good news is that completing every single event challenge will net you a total of 80 Crowns, meaning it’s only necessary for you to “conquer” six out of the event’s eight POIs to gain enough Crowns for all rewards.

The Conqueror of Kings event rewards–and the amount of Crowns required to redeem them–are as follows:

10 Crowns – Red Beau Mirage banner frame (Rare)25 Crowns – Standard Syndicate Pack35 Crowns – Molten Core Charge Rifle weapon skin (Rare)45 Crowns – 5,000 Seasonal Currency, used to unlock mobile-exclusive skins in the Seasonal Store55 Crowns – Flare Bright Pathfinder character skin (Rare)

You can also gain 100 Flux for sharing the event on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram via the share button located in the bottom right corner of the event hub.


Choose your battles. If there’s a POI you absolutely hate, focus on one you’re more comfortable with. While the Supply Ship challenges have not yet been revealed, they are likely to be some of the most challenging, due to the chaotic nature of landing on the Supply Ship, and the luck involved in completing challenges that require you to kill a certain number of enemies in one specific area.

Play the right legend. In addition to choosing the map areas you are most comfortable with, it’s also a good idea to choose a legend you’re comfortable with. That said, some have more perks than others when it comes to this event.

Loba is a great choice, as her abilities will allow you to select the gear you prefer and jump right into the action, with the added bonus of an easy escape via her Jump Drive ability. When it comes to accumulating knockdowns and damage, you can’t go wrong with Caustic. His abilities are perfect for accumulating passive damage and effortless knockdowns while keeping enemies at bay. Finally, Rhapsody serves as a well-rounded option that provides scan protection while still allowing you to monitor enemies via sound, along with providing you and your squad with a speed-boost that’s perfect for making a quick escape if things go sideways.

Play as a team. While this is always good advice when it comes to Apex Legends, it is absolutely vital if you want to complete this event. A well-coordinated team will make completing event challenges far easier, so we suggest you squad up with some friends, whether you know them IRL or stumbled across them in the lobby.

Even if you’re stuck playing with randoms, make sure to communicate. Let them know which POI you intend to focus on and which specific challenges you’re trying to complete, and when you need them to watch your back while you complete a finisher or any other action that leaves you exposed. Don’t forget to return the favor, either–if you come across a particularly helpful teammate, ask them if they have any Conqueror of Kings event challenges they need help completing.

The Conqueror of Kings event will be live until August 7 at 5 PM PT / 8 PM ET. Don’t forget to check out Season 2’s other challenges and complete your weekly user survey for an extra 500 Seasonal Currency.

Apex Legends Mobile is available for download on iOS and Android.

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About Claire Lewis

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