Fortnite Combat AR Unvaulted: Locations, Stats, And How It Works

Unsurprisingly, Fortnite has had no shortage of new and returning weapons and items added to the loot pool throughout Chapter 3 Season 3, and this week’s addition of the Combat AR proves that trend is continuing. First introduced in Season 2 Chapter 8, this assault rifle packs quite a punch, but it requires a steady hand to use effectively. Here’s everything you need to know about the freshly unvaulted Combat AR.

Where to find the Combat AR and how it works

The Combat AR can be found as ground loot or in chests and supply drops. It’s a hitscan weapon, meaning bullets have no travel time and will immediately register hits on your target. It uses medium bullets and sports 35 shots in its magazine. It comes in Common (171 DPS), Uncommon (180 DPS), Rare (189 DPS), Epic (198 DPS), and Legendary (207 DPS) versions.

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Now Playing: Fortnite Vibin' Chapter 3 Season 3 Gameplay

This assault rifle can be very deadly if you’re able to control its pretty significant recoil. If you’re engaging folks at long range, you’ll want to fire the gun in controlled bursts so as to stop from losing your mark. If you can practice and master the spread, you shouldn’t have any issues dropping most opponents rather quickly.

Due to its high fire rate, you can often get away with using the Combat AR in place of an SMG when you’re needing to free up inventory space for heals or better long-range options. It won’t keep up with the Stinger SMG in a shot-for-shot fight, though, so either use smart cover to give yourself an advantage against aggressive pushes or switch to a shotgun (if you have one) when you’re forced into extremely close-quarters showdowns.

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About Billy Givens

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