Fortnite: Where To Find Charge SMG And How It Works

Epic Games has released a huge patch for Fortnite this week, bringing no shortage of fresh content for players to check out, including the new Charge SMG. You’ll want to pick this one up and use it while you’re questing for Indiana Jones cosmetics across the island or checking out the new point of interest called Shuffled Shrines.

Here’s where to find the Charge SMG and how it works.

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Where to find the Charge SMG and how it works

The Charge SMG can be found on the ground or in chests and supply drops. Since it is acting as a replacement for the now-vaulted Combat SMG, it should be relatively easy to round up in most games.

Unlike a traditional gun, the Charge SMG is true to its name and must be charged up to make the most of its power. By holding down the fire button on your device of choice, you can see a red bar fill up to let you know how many bullets will be sprayed from the gun upon release. This means that you’ll have to be proactive in fights, finding corners and other barriers that allow you to charge up your clip before unleashing it into unsuspecting foes.

You can fire small bursts without charging it, but you’ll likely find limited success in this manner. That being said, mastering the art of unloading an entire charged clip of the gun promises massive amounts of damage potential, as landing all of your shots will all but guarantee a kill.

For more on Fortnite, check out the full weapon list for Chapter 3 Season 3 or find out how to solve the Shuffled Shrines puzzle.

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About Billy Givens

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