Apex Legends Mobile‘s latest event, Raise Your Rank, is now live. The event encourages players to engage in Ranked Mode matches and climb through the game’s ranks while picking up free cosmetics and other rewards along the way.
This event is the perfect opportunity for seasoned Ranked Mode veterans to claim rewards for showing off their skills, but it’s also a great excuse for less experienced players to dip their toes into the highly competitive game mode. Here’s everything you need to know about the pocket-sized battle royale‘s latest event–including what kind of prizes you’ll earn for completing challenges.
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Getting started
When you open the Apex Legends Mobile app, you’ll see a splash screen advertising the event. Select “Go!” to be taken to the event page. You can also manually navigate to it by selecting the “Seasonal Events” banner on the right side of the screen. This will take you to the Seasonal Events screen. The Raise Your Rank event is located at the top of the left column in the event page. Selecting it will take you to the event page, where you can get a closer look at the event’s challenges.
Keep in mind that you must have reached level 8 or higher to participate in the event. If nothing happens when you select the Raise Your Rank event from the Seasonal Events screen, it is most likely because you are under-leveled. You will not be able to view the event’s page or challenge list unless you are level 8 or higher.
To obtain all of this event’s free rewards, you must accumulate 100 Challenge Points. There are a total of six event challenges, each of which will reward you with a different number of Challenge Points. The Raise Your Rank event challenges are as follows:
Play 5 matches in Ranked Mode – 10 Challenge PointsFinish 5 Ranked Mode matches in the top 3 – 15 Challenge PointsDeal a cumulative total of 1,000 damage in Ranked Mode – 15 Challenge PointsKill a total of 5 enemies in Ranked Mode – 20 Challenge PointsKill a total of 10 enemies in Ranked Mode – 20 Challenge PointsReach Platinum I in Ranked Mode during the current season – 20 Challenge points
Completing the Raise Your Rank event will give you the following free rewards as you accumulate Challenge Points:
30 Challenge Points: 4,000 Diamonds, used to redeem cosmetics in the Seasonal Shop60 Challenge Points: the Rare-tier Sterile Instruments Caustic skin100 Challenge Points: the Rare-tier Pepper Shaker Peacekeeper skin
Keep in mind that, as previously mentioned, you will not be able to participate in the event or even look at the challenge page until you are level 8 or higher. Thankfully, this isn’t too hard to achieve–play a few non-ranked matches and complete seasonal challenges to quickly gain enough XP to access Ranked Mode.You can also use any Challenge Cards you may have to automatically complete challenges you aren’t interested in taking on, another quick way to gain the XP required to access the event.If you have an XP Boost in your inventory (which can be accessed from the Warehouse), using it is a great way to rapidly level up, allowing you to easily access Ranked Mode and the Raise Your Rank event if you haven’t yet reached the required level.As with any challenge, using a legend you have plenty of experience with is always a good bet, but if you’re having trouble raising your damage numbers or increasing how many players you knock down, Caustic is a great choice. Loba is also a good option, as her Black Market allows you to quickly access your favorite weapon and jump into the action.If you’re struggling to survive the entirety of a match, Lifeline, Mirage, Octane, and Wraith are all good options for avoiding damage or quickly healing it.
The Raise Your Rank event will be live through July 3, so be sure to get a move on if you’re determined to get all three rewards–while the challenges themselves are simple, reaching Platinum I is no small task, and may take more time and patience than anticipated. If you’re looking for a challenge that’s a little less competitive, check out our Cheers to the Apex Community guide, as that event rewards you with free loot just for logging in–no gameplay required.
Apex Legends Mobile is available for download on iOS and Android.
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