Nier: Automata is coming to Nintendo Switch more than five years after it launched on PlayStation 4. With it, Switch players can finally experience one of the biggest surprise hits of the last decade–and one that had a profound impact on some of its players.
Nintendo made the announcement during its June Direct Mini showcase, where it provided a few details about what players can expect from the Switch version. The End of YoRHa edition includes all previously released content for the game, including DLC and costumes. The Switch version also has exclusive costumes of its own, which will be available at launch. Nier: Automata releases for Switch on October 6.
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Now Playing: NieR: Automata The End of Yorha Edition Switch Trailer
The game will be the only title in the Drakengard series to hit a Nintendo system, though it’s not the only Yoko Taro game to do so. The small standalone card-based RPGs Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars and Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden released on Switch in 2021 and 2022, respectively.
The Nier series hasn’t gotten a full-fledged third installment yet, but Taro and company have stayed busy. The mobile game Nier: Reincarnation is available now, as is the upgraded Nier Replicant, which is the original Nier but with improved visuals and sound as well as vastly enhanced combat. It’s currently available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
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