Fortnite’s 21.00 patch notes have been released, the first major update since Chapter 3, Season 3 began on June 5. While the patch is mostly gun changes, there’s a new item swinging in that, despite its look, will get players’ spider senses tingling.
The Grapple Glove makes its Fortnite debut in the 21.00 patch, once again giving players the option to swing through the air a la Spider-Man’s Web Shooters from Chapter 3, Season 1. Consecutive swings will gather momentum as the player swings, allowing them to swing across the map at top speeds. The Grapple Glove can only be found in marked Grapple Glove toolboxes, which are located at pink-colored locales known as Grapple Stops across the island.
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Now Playing: Fortnite Vibin' Chapter 3 Season 3 Gameplay
Essentially, this is a way for Epic to bring back the fan-favorite Web Shooters without the Marvel tie-in, which wouldn’t always make narrative sense like it did earlier.
Meanwhile, a few guns will be changing with the Fortnite 21.00 patch. Those guns adjustments are as follows:
Two-Shot Shotgun Increased pellet damage, minimum pellet count, accuracy, and max damageHammer Assault Rifle Reduced recoilCombat SMG Reduced damageStriker Burst Rifle Increased first-bullet recoilReduced damage
If you’re still trying to vibe with this new season, make sure you’re familiar with everything that’s new in Fortnite Vibin’, including the Season 3 battle pass, NPC locations, and all new weapons.