Devolver is never one to show up empty handed to conference season–or say “no” a whole lot of swear words and theatrics. This year’s summer showcase was no exception, as the studio managed to squeeze in a mecha Suda51, their own take on The Neverending Story theme song, several jabs at the state of the games industry, and five cool-as-hell looking games. In case you missed it, here’s a roundup of what was shown during the event.
Cult of the Lamb
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First announced earlier this year, we now have a release date for the game that is equal parts creepy and cute: August 11. In Cult of the Lamb, you play as a possessed lamb who must start a cult in order to pay back the strange spirit who saved his life. Collect resources, gain loyal followers, and rid the world of false prophets to become the one true cult and lamb god. Cult of the Lamb will release on PC and all consoles on August 11.
Anger Foot
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The aptly named Anger Foot does, in fact, feature a lot of anger and at least one very powerful foot. Set in the, uh, “caffeine-fuelled fever dream of Shit City,” Anger Foot sees you play as a man who is exceptionally good at two things: kicking down doors and taking out mobsters. As you traverse the city’s sewers and skyscrapers, you’ll acquire new kicks with unique skills for your deadly door-stomper to try out. The lighting-fast, FPS action game hits PC in 2023.
Card Shark
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While Card Shark might already be out, it didn’t stop Devolver from showing off the game all about dealing cards and deceit. Set in 18th century France, the game tasks you with the daunting and extremely high-risk mission of rising to the top of French society. The way you achieve such glory? By slowly accumulating wealth through winning card games. However, as the stakes and winnings grow larger–and your opponents, more notable–so does your need to be cunning and cheat your way to victory. Card Shark is currently available on PC and Nintendo Switch.
The Plucky Squire
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In the brief first look we got of The Plucky Squire, there was a lot to love. The beautifully-animated adventure game follows a young squire named Jot who is rudely kicked out of his storybook by the tale’s villain and must then begin the biggest, multi-dimensional adventure of his life. Throughout the game, Jot must switch between exploring the charmingly illustrated top-down 2D storybook world, and roaming around a 3D world that looks a bit like something out of a Pixar movie. He can also make his way on to other illustrated 2D objects–such as a thermos or coffee mug–and interact with the artwork and unique obstacles found within them. The Plucky Squire is slated to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X | S, Nintendo Switch, and PC in 2023.
Skate Story
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While skating games might be having somewhat of a renaissance as of late, there’s quite a bit that sets Skate Story apart from the rest. In Skate Story, you play as a demon made of glass (and pain, according to the trailer) skating through a beautiful yet ruthlessly oppressive underworld. Luckily, you manage to convince the devil to strike a deal with you: If you stake to the moon and swallow it, he’ll allow you to leave hell scot-free. Simple, right? Skate Story forgoes the usual chipper tone of skate games to provide us with something dark, moody, and dazzling. It’s safe to say we can’t wait for it to hit PC in 2023.