Apex Legends Mobile – Rising Rank Event Guide

Apex Legends Mobile launched a new in-game challenge this week: The Rising Rank event. Focused entirely on Ranked mode challenges, the Rising Ranked event is worth taking part in whether you’re a Rookie who’s just grinding for free goodies or a Predator trying to get some practice in for some seriously sweaty future Ranked matches. Here are some tips and tricks for snagging the new challenge’s free loot and getting the most out of this week’s Apex Mobile event.

Getting started

Similar to last week’s Live Fire event, you can reach the Rising Rank event rewards track by selecting the red Season Event banner on the right side of the main lobby screen. This will take you to the Season Navigation page, where you’ll find two columns of advertisements for past and upcoming Apex Legends Mobile events. The link to the Rising Rank event screen can be found at the very top of the right column of events.

Once you select it, you’ll be taken directly to the Rising Rank challenge screen. If nothing happens when you select the Rising Rank event from the Season Navigation, check your player level and make sure you’re at least level 8, as players below level 8 are unable to participate in ranked mode.

When you’ve found your war to the event challenge screen, select the Go! option to the left of any challenge and you will be loaded into a Ranked lobby. Alternatively, you can navigate there from the main lobby screen by selecting the mode button (the one immediately to the left of the red Play button at the bottom of the screen). This will bring up a list of all game modes, including LTMs. Select the Ranked Match option and you’ll be good to go.


Each player must complete the same set of challenges to complete the Rising Rank event. The challenges are as follows:

Play 1 Ranked match – 10 Challenge PointsFinish a Ranked match in the top 3 – 15 Challenge PointsDeal 500 damage in Ranked mode – 15 Challenge PointsKill 5 enemies in Ranked mode – 20 Challenge PointsKill enemies 2 times in a Ranked match – 20 Challenge PointsGet 2 assisted in Ranked mode – 20 Challenge Points


Similar to previous Apex Legends Mobile events, Rising Rank has a free reward track, with rewards based on how many total Challenge Points are earned. These are the Rising Rank event prizes:

30 Challenge Points: Rare-tier Surprise Party Spitfire skin60 Challenge Points: Rare-tier Sizzle Reel Bangalore skin100 Challenge Points: 4,000 Seasonal Currency, which can be used to buy unique cosmetics in the Seasonal Store

While this challenge isn’t particularly hard to complete, Ranked mode can be tough to adjust to for those who don’t play it regularly. If you want to get the most bang for your buck, rank-wise (or just want to complete the challenge quickly), we recommend hitting the ring with a full pre-made squad. Apex is always more fun with friends, but those XP boosts you get for playing with them are a very useful perk when it comes to completing challenges and quests. But whatever you do, don’t dawdle–the Rising Rank event only runs from May 29 to June 6.

Apex Legends Mobile is available for download on iOS and Android.

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About Claire Lewis

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