Pokémon Go Fest: Seattle Event Tickets Are Available Now

Niantic has revealed the next location for Pokemon Go Fest 2022, with an event coming to Seattle, Washington from Friday July 22 to Sunday July 24. The upcoming event will be held across both the Seattle Center Park and the city of Seattle itself, with each day split into two sessions across the two locations.

The event is ticketed, and unlike other Pokemon Go events, is only open to people who can attend in Seattle in person. Tickets are available now, selling for $25 for a single day, with attendees only able to purchase tickets for one day of the three-day event.

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With the dual locations, ticketing is a little more complicated than with most Pokemon Go Fest events. Trainers can either choose to buy a morning session, which means they’ll spend the first half of the day in the park and the second half in the city, while an afternoon session will see players in the city first and in the park in the afternoon.

Players who buy a ticket for the Seattle Pokemon Go Fest will be able to enjoy different experiences and bonuses whether they’re in the park or the city. At Seattle Center Park, they’ll be able to check out the following:

Complete event-exclusive Special Research to encounter Sky Forme Shaymin as you adventure within Seattle Center Park.Explore four real-world habitats–two of which are unique to the Seattle event. Each habitat includes unique Pokémon and its very own Collection Challenge.Cloud Sanctuary: Like the iconic Space Needle, reach for the sky and soar amongst the clouds with Togetic, Woobat, Rufflet, and more!The Oasis: Looking for a tropical respite amidst the hustle and bustle of downtown Seattle? Kick back with Alolan Exeggutor, Sand Cloak Burmy, Gible, Panpour, and more.Dreamy Mindscape: Feeling a bit Drowzee? Hoping to curl up for a nap with Teddiursa? Why not catch a little snooze with Pokémon like Snorlax and Litwick? Sleep well!Electric Garden: A fantastical garden with a distinct static in the air. Pokémon such as Hisuian Voltorb, Combee, Foongus, and Helioptile will be drawn to this space.Be sure to visit the Trading Post to meet and trade with Trainers at the event, or test your mettle against other Trainers at the Battle Ground.Enjoy a plethora of in-person photo ops—including the chance to take a photo with Pikachu or Eevee!A special version of the Pokémon GO Fest 2022 T-shirt will be available for sale exclusively at this and other in-person Pokémon GO Fest 2022 events.Make up to six Special Trades, and enjoy a reduced Stardust cost for every trade made during event hours!

The city events include the following:

A second Special Research story will be available, featuring a reward encounter with a Pokémon that has yet to appear in Pokémon GO.Pokémon from all of the Pokémon GO Fest: Seattle habitats will be appearing in the wild.Claim up to nine total daily Raid Passes by spinning Photo Discs at Gyms.Team GO Rocket balloons will be appearing more often, and defeating Team GO Rocket Grunts will earn you twice as many Mysterious Components.

Across both events, the following bonuses will be active for ticket-holders:

Shiny Combee and Shiny Panpour will make their Pokémon GO debuts.Eggs will require one-half their normal Hatch Distance.Take a snapshot at the event for a surprise!Event-themed Field Research will be available.You’ll be able to get event-themed stickers by spinning PokéStops and opening Gifts.Confetti will be appearing on the in-game map.

Non ticket-holders based in Seattle will still be able to get in on some of the fun, with Go Fest raids including Cresselia and Darkrai available to all trainers.

For players who aren’t based in Seattle, Pokemon Go Fest is also coming to Berlin and Sapporo, with other locations still to be announced.

About Hayley Williams

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