For the first time since January 2020, the Games Done Quick Foundation will be holding an in-person speedrunning marathon event. Summer Games Done Quick 2022 will emanate from the DoubleTree Hilton in Bloomington, Minnesota June 26-July 3, and the foundation has released the full schedule of events.
Two Elden Ring runs are scheduled to close the show on July 2-3, with a two-hour “all Remembrances” run–Elden Ring speak for “all bosses defeated”–to be immediately followed by a 40-minute “Any%” run–a speedrunning term for beating the game as fast as possible regardless of progress.
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Other scheduled runs include Tunic in an estimated 35 minutes, Ninja Gaiden on the NES in only 15 minutes, and two Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl runs–one with no glitches estimated at three hours and 45 minutes, and the other with glitches estimated at just 25 minutes.
SGDQ 2022 will feature seven continuous days of speedruns to raise money for Doctors Without Borders, and it looks to beat last year’s total of nearly $3 million. It will be the first in-person event since Games Done Quick marathons transitioned to all-digital in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Summer Games Done Quick 2020 was the first to move online, with Awesome Games Done Quick–the winter counterpart to SGDQ–following suit in 2021. The foundation’s most recent event, AGDQ 2022, was also run online in January and raised over $3.4 million for the Prevent Cancer Foundation.
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