Pokemon Go May 2022 Updates Include A Month Of Mega Raids And The Season Of Alola's End

Niantic has announced its plans for Pokemon Go for the month of May, and with the Season of Alola event coming into its final days, the game will focus on the newly updated Mega Pokemon mechanic.

Mega Raids will feature heavily throughout May, with multiple Mega Pokemon making their Pokemon Go debut. May 3-10 will see the first ever Mega Legendary Pokemon in Mega Latias and Mega Latios, while Mega Blastoise and Mega Altaria will feature later in the month. Five star raids will complete the set of four Alolan legendaries by adding Tapu Fini to the mix, and the month will end with a week where all four will be featured at the same time.

The full list of May events for Pokemon Go is below:

Upcoming events

A Mega Moment (May 1)

Pokémon Air Adventures (May 3-8)

Water Festival (May 12-20)

May Community Day (May 21) – featuring Alolan Geodude, the Rock Pokémon

Alola to Alola (May 25-31)

Five-Star and Mega Raids

Until May 3

Mega Kangaskhan (Mega Raid)

Therian Forme Landorus (five-star)

May 3-10

Mega Latias and Mega Latios (Mega Raids only)

May 10-25

Mega Blastoise (Mega Raid)

Tapu Fini (five-star)

May 25-June 1

Mega Altaria (Mega Raid)

Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, and Tapu Fini (five-star)

Raid Hours

Every Wednesday from 6 PM ti 7 PM local time, the following Pokémon will be featured in raids:

May 4: Mega Latias, Mega Latios

May 11 and May 18: Tapu Fini

May 25: Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini.

Pokémon Spotlight Hours

Every Tuesday from 6 PM to 7 PM local time, the following Pokémon and bonuses will be featured:

May 3

Wingull will be featured

Players will earn double Candy for catching Pokémon

May 10

Numel will be featured

Players will earn double Candy for transferring Pokémon

May 17

Magikarp will be featured

Players will earn double XP for evolving Pokémon

May 24

Seel will be featured

Players will earn double Stardust for catching Pokémon

May 31

Pikipek will be featured

Players will earn double XP for catching Pokémon.

Research Breakthrough

Complete Research Breakthroughs to encounter Alolan Grimer.

New Home Screen Widget

Players can now add a widget to their mobile devices’ home screen that will track Buddy Pokemon progress

May will give Pokemon Go players plenty to enjoy, and June is already shaping up to be a big month as Pokemon Go Fest 2022 has been announced for June 4-5.

About Jason Fanelli

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