Elden Ring Mod Finally Adds Thomas The Tank Engine

Elden Ring has gotten critical acclaim and gobsmacking sales, but the true sign of video game success is, as we all know, the presence of Thomas the Tank Engine. The plucky children’s TV icon has been modded into all sorts of games, and now he can appear right in the middle of the Lands Between.

The Tree Sentinel Thomas Mod replaces the optional Limgrave boss with Thomas’ placid, smiling face. Or at least, the lower half of the sentinel. The result is something like a centaur, if centaurs had happy trains for their bottom halves.

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You can find the mod at NexusMods if you want to try it for yourself. As always, use mods at your own risk.

Elden Ring has gotten a massive start thanks in part to stellar reviews, including GameSpot’s own 10/10 Elden Ring review. From Software has been putting out patches fairly frequently, most recently making some significant nerfs to Hoarfrost Stomp and Mimic Tear, among other adjustments.

If you need a hand with Elden Ring–like for example, how to take down a Tree Sentinel whose tank engine body keeps smiling at you while it kills you–check out our Elden Ring guides hub.

About Steve Watts

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