Eyes up, guardians, because the future is looking bright for Destiny 2. Not only is the popular MMO’s latest expansion, The Witch Queen, being praised as one of the greatest additions to hit the game so far, Bungie has now confirmed Vow of the Disciple, the game’s most recent raid, has officially broken the record for day one attempts.
According to the most recent This Week at Bungie post, over half a million players attempted to clear Vow of the Disciple on day one, an all time high for the game. “We saw a record number of players attempting their blind runs, diving head-first into the fray without a guide or clear path in sight,” Bungie wrote. “To say that those that participated did an incredible job is a massive understatement.”
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Now Playing: Destiny 2: The Witch Queen – Vow of the Disciple – World First Raid Race
Of course not every player who attempted the challenge was triumphant. Of those 546,600 players, only 32,600 individuals managed to clear the full raid–or roughly 6%. Among the 6% were six members of Clan Elysium, the first clan to emerge victorious. While securing this win is a victory in and of itself, Clan Elysium also earned another distinction with this triumph: being the first-ever back-to-back raid champions.
However, even if your raid time doesn’t earn you a spot at the top, you can still order some pretty cool Destiny 2 swag just for completing it. All players who complete the Vow of the Disciple raid prior to March 15 at 10 AM PT will be given the opportunity to purchase a limited-edition jacket commemorating the event. The stylish parka costs quite a pretty penny at $150 USD, but does come with a lot of cool features, like the the ability to fold up into a small tote and some pretty roomy pockets. Qualified Destiny 2 players can place their order anytime between now and March 31 through the Bungie Store.
For those craving even more numbers on how Destiny 2’s most recent raid played out, below is a full breakdown of Vow of the Disciple’s 48-hour stats:
Total players that entered the raid: 546,616Players that cleared Acquisition: 270,648Players that cleared Caretaker: 131,550Players that cleared Exhibition: 80,153Unique players that cleared the full raid: 32,621Total enemy defeats: 1,005,850,547Total Guardian deaths: 70,067,705Total hours spent in Vow of the Disciple Contest Mode: 4,223,843
Finished up the raid and need help piecing together what exactly down? Be sure to read our Vow of the Disciple explainer. And don’t forget, a new weekend means Xur has new wares to sell! Here’s where you can find him and what we recommend you pick up.