While they may not see the light of day for some time, Valve apparently has “multiple games” in development right now according to an interview conducted by Axios with Valve designer Greg Coomer.
In the interview, which mostly deals with Valve’s newly released handheld console, the Steam Deck, Coomer touched on Valve’s upcoming games. “There are multiple games in development right now at Valve,” he said, “and I think they’re pretty exciting ones.”
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Valve is infamous for the infrequency with which it releases new games. Jokes about Half-Life 3 aside, (when’s it coming, Gabe?) Valve’s releases are truly few and far between. The company’s latest major release was Half-Life Alyx, a VR exclusive that further fleshed out the long-running franchise’s story.
For anyone wondering where Valve gets the money to create its own console when its releases are so few and far between, the company also owns and operates Steam, the largest video game marketplace on PC.
Valve does seem to be getting more comfortable with releasing games, however. Just yesterday, the studio released Aperture Desk Job, a Portal spin-off, to mark the launch of the Steam Deck. While the 30-minute-long free title isn’t Portal 3, at the very least it’s a new game in that universe.
As for what Valve may have in the works there are simply too many options to consider, most of which end with the number 3. Half-Life 3 has been eagerly awaited by fans for over a decade and seems even more probable thanks to Valve’s Source 2 engine. At the same time, new entries in the Left 4 Dead, Portal, and Team Fortress franchises would send the entire games industry into a fit of excitement. We simply won’t know what Valve has in store until the studio makes an announcement.