Final Fantasy 7: The First Soldier 25th Anniversary Event Lets You Battle Royale As Blocky Cloud

The 25th anniversary of Final Fantasy VII occurs this month, and Square Enix is marking the milestone in its mobile battle royale Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier with a limited-time celebration.

Players can earn unique skins and rewards during the event–which runs from now until February 28–including outfits based on the original polygonal looks of FFVII heroes Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, and more.

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The full list of events planned for the celebration include:

Polygon Final Fantasy VII Characters – Limited-time character skins based on the original polygon designs for Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, Barret, Red XIII, and Chocobo, with more coming soon.25th Anniversary Collaboration Events – Players who defeat special event monsters that spawn in the field will obtain special reward boxes and collect data pieces that unlock event-limited collectibles. Mission clears will also reward Premium Shinra Pack Tickets (FF7) and more.Character Skins & Accessories – Event-exclusive skins and accessories will be available for free for a limited time, including Shinra Soldier and Cloud Dress character skins, and a Buster Sword back accessory.Final Fantasy VII Banners – Players can obtain thematic Final Fantasy VII banners to display next to their character name.Celebratory Login Bonuses – Players will receive event login bonuses and collect Premium Shinra Pack Tickets (FF7), which can be redeemed for a chance to obtain the collaboration store items, simply by logging in daily during the campaign period.Final Fantasy VII App Revamp – For a limited time, the Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldiergame icon, in-game home screen, and UI will be revamped similar to the look of the original Final Fantasy VII. In addition, players will hear iconic Final Fantasy VIImusic when entering battles.

Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier first launched on mobile devices on November 17. The game pits 75 players against each other in a battle royale format on a map that includes multiple locations from Final Fantasy VII, including Wall Market and the Sector 7 Undercity.

About Jason Fanelli

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