Pokemon Go's Valentine's Day Event Begins This Week

With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, Pokemon Go players will be feeling the love with new challenges, bonuses, themed Pokemon, and the debut of flower Pokemon Flabébé, Floette, and Florges. The flower-themed Pokemon will have five different colors available, with three of them region-locked and another two available as a rare encounter.

The Valentines Day event will begin on February 10 at 10 AM in players’ local time, and run through to 8 PM on February 14. For the duration of the event, players will benefit from double Lure Module duration and double Catch Candy, as well as Buddy Pokemon bringing players gifts more often.

The event comes with a new Global Challenge, which will unlock a reward if all players worldwide reach a cumulative total of 70,000,000 Gifts sent. If the goal is reached, an additional bonus of 3x Transfer Candy will be in place for the remainder of the event.

On a smaller scale, trainers will be able to participate in two new Valentine’s-themed Collection Challenges, which will unlock encounters with a female Frillish and a male Frillish.

As with all Pokemon Go’s themed events, the main way trainers will be interacting the game’s Valentine’s celebrations is through the themed Pokemon that will pop up more often in the wild. Expect lots of pink, with Pokemon like Chansey, Luvdisc, Miltank, Audino, and Alomomola popping up more often, as well as paired Pokemon like Plusle and Minun, and Volbeat and Illumise.

A new Pokemon is also debuting with this event–Flabébé, which can be evolved into Floette and Florges. Trainers in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa will get a Flabébé with a red flower, blue flowers will be appearing in the Asia-Pacific region, while the Americas will get a yellow Flower Flabébé. All regions will be able to catch the rarer white and orange flower Flabébés if they’re lucky.

Along with these new arrivals, poodle Pokemon Furfrou will be getting a cute new Heart Trim form. To change your Furfrou’s trim, use the Change Form button in Pokemon Storage, and choose from available trims at a cost of 25 Furfrou Candy and 10,000 Stardust per change.

Players who are able to evolve Kirlia into either Gallade or Gardevoir during the event will be able to unlock the special charged attack Synchronoise.

For the full list of bonuses and Pokemon that will be available through wild encounters, raids, and field research during the event, check out the full Pokemon Go blog post.

About Hayley Williams

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