The Far Cry 6 season pass is winding down with one of its final paid updates, barring any surprises revealed later. In the Collapse DLC, you’ll go into the mind of Joseph Seed, the central villain of Far Cry 5. Seed was the leader of the Project at Eden’s Gate, a doomsday cult that operated out of Montana and was led by the forceful hands of Joseph and his siblings. If you want to get into the DLC, now’s your chance, as it’s available for all season pass owners. Here’s how to start this roguelite expansion.
Far Cry 6 Joseph Seed DLC – How to start
When you return to the open world of Far Cry 6, the first thing you’ll want to do is head to a nearby Guerrilla Camp, either by fast-traveling directly into one or taking the scenic route, which in Far Cry tends to mean driving through enemy bases, alligator swamps, and other chaotic environments.
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Now Playing: 15 Minutes Of Far Cry 6 Joseph: Collapse DLC Gameplay
Once you get there in one piece, look for a large building with some bunk beds inside. In one corner will be a television and on-screen will be the flickering images of past Far Cry’s main antagonists, Vaas, Pagan Min, and Joseph Seed, of Far Cry 3, 4, and 5 respectively. Interact with the TV no matter who is on the screen, and select the DLC you wish to start.
If you haven’t caught up with the past expansions yet, each of these villain-focused side stories is meant to provide insight into the psyches of the game’s storied stable of bad guys, while also changing things up quite a bit from a gameplay perspective. These expansions qualify as roguelites, with a live-die-repeat element to them that you’ll need to work through before you can get to the end of each story.
The two previous expansions took about 1-3 hours to beat, so this one is likely going to come in at about that length as well. After that, if you need more Far Cry 6 in your life, maybe you missed the free Danny Trejo missions.