Pokemon Legends: Arceus spoilers follow.
Pokemon Legends: Arceus takes a dramatic turn in the last act of the main story, sending you on a quest to construct the Red Chain, a mythical item that can “bind the world” and hold it together as a rift threatens to tear it apart. To get the Red Chain, you’ll need to find the three Lake Guardians, who longtime fans may recognize from the original Diamond and Pearl. Those are Azelf, Mespirit, and Uxie.
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Each of the three Lake Guardians will give you a task intended to test your worthiness to wield the Red Chain. If you need a hand figuring out any of the solutions, read on.
Azelf at Lake Valor: Test of Will
The first tests your will, and it does this by presenting you with the impossible task of hitting it with special Balms. It will dodge every throw, and the game will repeatedly ask if you’re ready to give up. Just keep persisting, don’t give up, and eventually the spirit will reward your iron will with a piece of the Red Chain.
Mespirit at Lake Verity: Test of Personality
The second spirit doesn’t actually seem to have a fail-state. It will ask you some questions about your personality, and there aren’t any apparent wrong answers. Just answer the prompts and you’ll get rewarded with a piece of the Red Chain.
Uxie at Lake Acuity: Test of Knowledge
The third spirit will test your knowledge with a riddle revolving around how many eyes are on different species of Pokemon. In order, it will ask for the number of eyes on a Combee, Zubat, Unown, Magneton, and Dusclops. You’ll need to know the answers in order, and then compile them into a single five-digit code. That code is 60131. Once you answer that, it will reward you with a piece of the Red Chain.
For more about Pokemon Legends: Arceus, check out our how long it takes to beat and how missions work, how to complete The Sea’s Legend quest for Manaphy, and how to catch Shiny Pokemon. Plus, make sure to read our Pokemon Legends: Arceus review.