Genshin Impact's New Fleeting Colors Event: Get A Free Liyue 4-Star Character

Genshin Impact’s new event, Fleeting Colors in Flight, is now live as of January 25. This update has players back in Liuye–following the last update’s very impressive tromp through the eerie Enkanomiya–to prepare for the annual Lantern Rite Festival.

There are four activities with different gameplay: Flameplume Starflowers, The Great Gathering, Wondrous Shadows, and Oceanic Defender. In Flameplume, players are tasked with creating fireworks through smelting. In the Great Gathering, like the name implies, players go to Guyun Islands in order to beat up Treasure Hunters and gather materials. Wondrous Shadows is a puzzle event featuring … you guessed it, shadows. In Ocean Defender, players defeat monsters under varying challenge conditions.

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Like the usual event rewards, all events will give out Primogems, EXP books, materials, and more. But in a more unique twist to rewards: Successful completion of The Stars Inscribe the Year’s Wishes quest will get you a free Liyue 4-star character of your choosing. That’s eight characters to select from, including the newest Geo opera singer, Yunjin.

Players, upon completing the necessary quests and achieving the requisite amount of different Talismans, will also be able to get a free outfit for Ningguang. Called the Orchid’s Evening Gown, Ningguang’s new glam is a departure from her usual yellow Geo color scheme.

Accompanying the new update are two new rerun character banners: fan-favorites Ganyu and Zhongli. Ganyu, a Cryo bow user, is a powerful DPS and Zhongli, a Geo spear user, is a valuable shielder. Players will literally never need to dodge with Zhongli, and if they’re missing a cryo DPS (and if you have Shenhe, a cryo damager booster)–Ganyu is quite an attractive option.

About Jenny Zheng

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