Several big changes are headed to Valorant in the game’s upcoming 4.0 patch, including major combat buffs and a stylish new agent. While Riot has yet to announce when exactly the changes are expected to go live, the studio has laid out everything players can expect following the end of Valorant’s latest act.
Most notably, Valorant 4.0 comes with a brand new operator joining the ranks of its Duelists: Agent Neon. Based on Riot’s description of Neon–as well as her name–it seems as if she will be a high-speed, high-energy character that focuses on precision. With several moves upping her speed and accuracy and some truly electrifying powers, Neon seems like a must-try for anyone interested in lightning fast gameplay and, well, lightning.
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In addition to Neon, quite a few combat and weapon updates are coming, including a much-needed melee buff. According to Riot, both right-click and left-click hit boxes are now substantially larger, with left-click actions having a slightly longer range too. In addition, knifing walls will now provide instant feedback.
As far as guns go, Ares, Guardian, and Bulldog are all receiving buffs while Spectre is being reworked due to its “over-performance” in long range engagements. According to the patch notes, the gun’s associated firing errors will now occur sooner (bullets 3, 6, and 8 instead of 4, 7, and 10) and close-range sprays will require more accuracy to use effectively.
In terms of maps, both Bind and Breeze are also getting updates, with major chokepoints being widened and more cover points being implemented in order to help the flow of gameplay and make certain strategies more viable. Lastly, Riot is also switching up some of its match-making policies, reducing the penalties given to 5-stacks and increasing map randomization. The studio will also now require all accounts to reach level 20 before they can queue up for ranked matches in an effort to encourage players to learn the rules and characters before jumping into competitive games.
You can check out the full patch notes over on Valorant’s official website–as well as pay your respects to the game’s beloved bug “widejoy.”